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Wed, 1 Aug 2001 04:07:58 EDT
Jodi Corley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hello everyone,
today I took Mr Ferret and Sharkie to the vet to get their ferret distemper
shots and checkup.  I just moved to Anchorage a little while ago and was
referred to the doctor at this vet as the area's ferret expert.  After
reading all the tragic posts, I bombarded him with questions about tumors,
adrenal ferrets, respiratory problems, etc.
Anyways, he told me that most of the time it is extremely difficult to
pick up on a blockage or a tumor unless it is quite large (the size of a
cherry), and that usually s surgery is needed to find out if there is a
blockage or a tumor providing the ferret is showing any symptoms.  He said
that ex rays did not work very well on ferrets, and that ultrasounds are
the best option.  He said that the ferrets were fine, and to bring them
back for their rabies, but I am still paranoid about the tumor/blockage
thing.  Is there really no way to feel these things before they are that
large?  If not, I guess I should start getting them ultra sounds each year.
I just wish there was some sort of ferret exam akin to the breast exam for
humans.  Do the ultra sounds really work well?
Also, about the delta thing: I am going on a long plane ride to Virginia
in September to visit my family, and I really want to take Mr Ferret and
Sharkie if they can ride inside the cabin.  Im not too comfortable about
the cargo thing because Ive heard horrible things about animals in cargo.
The last FML had two posts, one saying that delta lets them ride in the
cabin, and the other saying cargo only.  does anyone have any confirmation
on this?  Also, does anyone know of a website that carries Airline approved
pet taxis?  Thanks so much for bearing with me.
Jodi, Mr Ferret, and Sharkie
[Posted in FML issue 3497]