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Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:28:08 EDT
text/plain (25 lines)
I just wanted to thank everyone who has been writing about the Rice Boxes
lately.  My Husband and I had been thinking of setting up a rice box for
our Ferrets.  Well, now we're not going too.  Don't want to take any
risks, because our little girl, Yoshi will eat almost anything.  We use
Yesterday's new as their litter so we don't want to use anything like that.
We don't want to confuse them. :o)  How about those wood stove pellets I've
been hearing about?  Would that work?  Or how about potting soil without
Now about Toy boxes... When our oldest daughter was two we bought her a
blow up ball pit.  It comes with 100 colorful lightweight balls.  Well,
colorful meaning, there is red, yellow, blue and green. :o)  That are
alittle bit smaller than a softball.  I do you know that at some toy stores
you can buy boxes of them as like refills and they usually say, "For Ball
Pit".  Sometimes.  I know my Ferrets love those balls, so I gave them just
a couple of them.  My daughter wouldn't let me have anymore than two.
Heeheehe One of these days she'll be too big for it and will have to give
them up.  :o)
Toni D.
Harley, Yoshi & Arnold
[Posted in FML issue 3491]