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Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:42:42 -0400
"Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite, Storm, Sand & Bear" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
>From:    "gourmetcatering.com-sheri" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~ssiu/family/movies/bijala_300x225.mov
>Wow!  I (RARELY) have time to check out the sites but for some reason
>checked out this movie after the "rave" post and am soooo glad I did.
>It was way too short!  Thanks for this - how creative and cute!!!  You
>should have Eric and Mary see this!  It deserves a mention in their mag...
>is the music Japanese, btw?
glad you enjoyed it.  bit hard to put a movie into a mag, but, you are
welcome to tell them about it.  the music is a Japanese song called
"odoruponpokorin" from a popular children's anime whose name I can't
remember.  I have a very limited understanding of Japanese, so I don't
actually know what the song is about at all (any Japanese on the list?).
love the song though, it has great sound effects, but some of it was
cropped out...
>ps it does take a long time to load, but well worth the wait!
>[Moderator's note: Make that a VERY long time to load!  Do NOT try this
>with a modem -- the file is around 14MBytes.  But I agree about it being
>worth the wait!
thank you BIG.  there is a 7MB version at:
I have a phone modem as well, but faster access at school.  what I do for
large files is just to view them at school, or download it overnight when
I'm sleeping.
// ***********************************************
// Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite, Storm, Sand & Bear
// http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~ssiu
[Posted in FML issue 3487]