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Fri, 29 Jun 2001 12:41:48 -0400
Leslie Kauffman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
I thought I'd throw my two cents in...
My two both HATE baths.  It wasn't always this way with Daggett, though.
The first time I gave them a bath he kind of wandered around exploring the
tub.  But the best part about it was that he was walking around with his
front legs and his big ol' butt was just floating along behind him.  I
was laughing so hard!  Definitely a depends moment... I don't know what
happened.  I guess the novelty wore off, he hates baths now.
My little girl Bean absolutely hates it.  The moment her paws hit water
she runs right up my arm... So the last time I deceided to try something
different...The first place she goes to when I let them out for playtime
is in the kitchen sink.  She has a "thing" for the sink stopper and even
though I always take it out of the sink (since the day it magically
appeared under my futon) she still goes up there looking for it.  So I
thought I would try and give her a bath in the sink.  No good, she still
hated it.
As for those hot days, I discovered that they really don't mind water, I
think it's the "bathing" part they don't like!  Two summers ago, I decided
to try making them a "swimming pool" to cool them off.  I have several
litter boxes in my house and I washed one out and filled it up about and
inch and a half deep of lukewarm water.  At first they weren't that
impressed, but after a while they both ended up in there, dunking their
heads underwater and "snorkeling", and soon enough were engaged in a game
of king of the pool!
I tried the frozen soda bottle in a sock thing, but they didn't want
anything to do with it.  Oh well...
[Posted in FML issue 3464]