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Sun, 24 Jun 2001 15:59:04 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
>I have a little guy that hasn't had hair on his tail for about a year.
>The hair starts to grow back and falls out.  He has many blackheads that
>are difficult to get rid of.  I don't know his history, although a gal
>that runs a shelter in Seattle looked at him and said he looked like he
>had been malnutritioned.  He eats well, and is a major sleeper compaired
>to my other little gal, but I have decided they are all different.
>Lately, (last 2 weeks at the most) he only pees a very small, quarter
>sized amount.  Normally he will flood the floor and leave.  (you know
>ferretss, why use the box when you have the whole kitchen floor?) He
>urinates often and it looks like he is maybe straining somewhat.  He
>doesn't cry out in pain, but you see the muscles contracting on him as
>he is trying to get it out.
Well, hair loss and difficulty urinating in a male ferret - pointers toward
adrenal disease for me.  Certainly it could be unrelated, but still, I
would be actively looking for adrenal disease.  Your vet can run a blood
test (the Tennessee panel) to determine that.  As far as getting a urine
sample from his bladder - it sounds awful, but I've done it hundreds of
times, and the animals really don't seem to mind too much.
Dr. Ruth
Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.
[Posted in FML issue 3459]