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Thu, 7 Jun 2001 11:25:07 -0400
Another ferret Mom & Dad <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I would like to say that all this bickering really is un-necessary!  We all
have our own opinion, our own way of handling our ferrets and situations.
What we may do may not be the right way for another person, their way may
work for them but not for us, it doesn't mean any of us are wrong, or are
bad ferret owners.  Each one of our ferrets are different, so you can't
force how you would handle a situation on someone else, as I said, what
may work for you may not be an option for another, so why bash them for
it?  We all have our own opinion, and that is why we have FML, to post our
opinions, experiences, help others, not to fight with one another and push
people off the list.
I don't say much when it comes to the bickering, I usually scroll down,
but if we all would realize that our opinion does matter, and we are free
to post it then great.  Let's use this list as it was intended for, to
be informative, to bring us ferret owners closer together, to help one
another, to share our opinions, suggestions, but when someone doesn't agree
with your way, don't start a bashing contest, that is not fair to those who
come to the list for information, if you must bicker, email back and forth
to keep it private.
I thank each one of you for emailing me during my time of need with
Georgie, and that what this board is for, to be there for one another, to
talk, to help, so please, I beg of you (you know who you are), please,
please, please, stop interepting something out of others words and making
it into something you think they said, and stop the harassing publically
and privately, lets act like grown ups.  Like I said, I don't usually get
in this mess, but enough is enough.  Where I agree with BIG that some
opinions are helpful, I don't think some of the vicious words need to be
directed, but that's just my opinion, which I am entitled to.  Please,
let's use this list as it was created for, and apologize to BIG for having
a headache trying to decided what to do with these bickering posts.
Another Ferret Mom & Dad
[Posted in FML issue 3442]