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Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:20:46 EDT
"Dave Berlowitz, Cherokee Ferret Rescue" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Greetings everyone,
I have been a subscribing member to the FML for over two years now.  This
is, I believe, my first contribution to the mail.
We all may have slightly different views on many subjects, and that is
good.  Controversy usually brings enlightenment to the curious and
caring.  At the same time, it can bring out the worst in those who wish
to flagrantly condemn and chastise.
The trick, as readers of the LIST, is to join the curious and caring, seek
FACT instead of accepting fiction, Make certain your armed with the latest
and proper information, then form YOUR OPINION.  Even if that goes against
the grain of many other people doesn't always make you wrong.
I sift through and read every issue and every post.  Like anything else, I
believe about half of what I see.  Facts people, Facts!  Not the deranged
and deluded ravings purported to be based in truth.
As a shelter/rescue owner (not for profit, applied for 501C3 status) I am
in the same boat as many others.  Catch me on a bad day and you may think I
keep a filthy shelter.  Come back the next day and you might think it was a
hospital as it's so clean.  Like most of us who CARE, The welfare of the
FERRETS is tantamount, and I buy for them before I buy my own groceries,
just like most of the rest of us.  We are doing what we do because we love
the animal, not the attention and we are not masochists but put our charges
(ferrets) first always.
I digress, but please, keep your mind open and your mouth a little more
closed.  Surprising what you might manage to learn.  Remember that days
are like people, one 'rotten apple' doesn't make the whole bushel bad.
Be kind, be fair, and Love the fuzzies.
"If I can only save but just one more..........."
Dave Berlowitz
Cherokee Ferret Shelter and Rescue
513 South 35th Street
Omaha NE. 68105
(402) 346-6380)
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[Posted in FML issue 3441]