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Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:35:25 -0500
FurTulsa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
>Also, to ferret shelters, is there a reason to have call blocker on
>your non profit phones?  Is this normal for a non-profit shelter?...
Number one... as for "non-profit phones"... at least 50% of ferret shelters
do not have a separate line for the shelter and I am sure only a very few
have a separate line paid for BY the shelter.  The phones lines are our
personal lines paid for by us out of our personal pocket.  I know I, for
one, would not want to spend $30 a month out of shelter funds on a phone
that could go towards medical expenses.
Number two.... normal to have call blocker?  In some cases yes.  I have a
person blocked from my phone.
Why?  The person is known as the local ferret nutcase.  Three vets have
banned them from their clinics and one has a restraining order against
them for stalking.  She has stalked me and my family... will call dozens
of times in the middle of the night for no reason and has even come to
our house and walked in when nobody was home.
She has insisted I WILL give her a ferret "or else"... despite the fact
that her own ferrets conditions are suffering over her lack of care.  She
begged me to take her sick ferret to a vet because she had no money and hen
threatened to call the cops and say I stole him if I took him to the vet.
The answer is yes it would be normal to block someone from our phones or
home if they represent a threat or danger.
[Posted in FML issue 3441]