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Sun, 27 May 2001 21:34:10 -0700
Joe bear <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Membership Director, Kit here
That founding mom has been hogging the computer so I'm a little late
with this report.  She's been busy voting for SpokesModel Ferret Stormy.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of
Stormy in the contest.
Now to club business.  The Great Robbed One pulled Kouri's Members Pix
page and Kooking with Kouri out of that red wagon of hers.  Hey, how'd
she do that?!
So, I'm turning the floor over to Kouri Fan Club Treasurer, Miss Dixie.
Miss Dixie will give us the report on Gizmo who is featured on Kouri's
Support Our Shelters-Shelter Ferrets in Need page.
Miss Dixie...
Thank you, Kit.
Everyone please remember that a donation in any amount towards Gizmo's
surgery will get you entered in a drawing for a hammock kindly donated by
the Jacksonville Area Ferret Fanciers Association.  Also anyone donating
$20.  will receive their choice of a ferret sized afghan by either Kouri
or Aunt Kathryn.
Now for the progress report on Gizmo.
Gizmo is his normal bouncy pouncy ferret self again.  Surgery found an
enormous left adrenal which was successfully removed.  His incision had
very minimal bruising and he's already nibbling at kibble, though
reluctantly as he's grown fond of duck soup.  Noticed some stubble where
his incision was made, so that hair is coming back.  Have yet to notice
the bruised look from the hair on his back and rump returning, but in a
sterling that may not be so obvious.  He's actually more of a marked
white these days.  The biggest challenge has been trying to limit his
activity as he feels so good he wants to be out and about and into
everything.  He has come through this even more affectionate than he was
going in.  Likes to be held and told what a brave little man he is.
We are happy to have such a good report.  Now all Gizmo needs is help
paying for the surgery.
To see pictures of Gizmo before surgery, please visit
Thank you for helping Gizmo.
Miss Dixie signing off..
[Posted in FML issue 3431]