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Sat, 26 May 2001 01:40:38 EDT
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I am so fed up and so worried.
I need a vet near sarasota flordia.
I don't think I'm over-concerned, I've never heard of this before!--- I
got Emma a year ago and my little Emma is only 2 years old.  I got another
freind for her, Luna, 6 months ago.  Neither were very healthy at all when
I got them but they both really improved.  The only thing that didn't was
Luna's poop.  It was really seedy, runny, and smelly.  Sometimes it's
yellow or orange.  Luna, she looked like a bat when I got her she had so
much loose skin under her arms from stavation.  She's much fatter now with
a nice little budda belly but, her poo never got better.  About 3 months
ago I noticed Emma started to have green, mucas filled poops every now and
then.  ECE I thought.  So I took great care to make sure she was eating
and drinking.
Well, she still acts like a warrior queen, looks fine and all but I was
still worried because it kept getting worse.  I've bugged my vet several
(many) times to test her for problems but he keeps saying that her poo will
clear up and since she's acting normal nothing is wrong.  I started to
belive him even though it kept getting worse.  He's been a very good and
caring vet but ...you see...untill a few days ago it had turned it to dark
blobs that were itty bitty.  So small they're just a few drops.  They
smeared dark dark brown or looked dark brown and smear neon green.
Sometimes I'd find white chunks in them, not like plastic, like spongy
tissue.  They'd also have huge air bubbles that stuck out of them.  Now
if thats scary I found something yesterday that made me wish I'd never
listened to him.
She's making HARD WHITE POOPS.  Theres green on them and maybe some brown
but if you want to know what color it is go look at a peice of iceburg
lettuce.  I am so scared!  No meat eater should have WHITE POOP!  I love
Emma so much, I'm sure I don't have to tell any of you how special my
ferret is to me.  I need a new vet to check her out.  I'm in Sarasota
Flordia.  I will drive to other parts of flordia if someone knows of a
specialist or a GREAT.  I can't fiddle with guys who are just good vets.
This guy I'm seeing is supposed to be great!  The best in this town for
sure!  I think he's really good still, but I'm kinda mad at him for his
lack of concern.  So If anyone who has heard of a place maybe in Tampa that
is GREAT with ferrets and knows how to do all types of tests for problems,
I would love you.  Please help me out.  If you could just E-mail me with
any info or names of Vets I could call, or anything I would never be so
greatful.  She's my little love.  PLEASE WRITE ME WITH HELP.  I wrote to
the list a month ago and only got two responses.  Maybe I have a problem
sounding urgent.  I really need your help!  I don't know of anyone else
besides this vet.  I want to thank you all in advance, I know what
wonderful people there are on this list, I really hope someone can help
me figure out what is wrong with my dear Emma.  I'm so worried.
-Monica, Emma and Luna.
[Posted in FML issue 3429]