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Fri, 4 May 2001 09:30:22 -0500
Russell Prater <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
>From:    "Greenfield, Beatrice" <[log in to unmask]>
>I want to mix the Iams kitten food I give my ferret with a "Ferret Food"
>what ferret food do you suggest?
I mix equal parts of IAMS Kitten, 8in1 Ultimate (not Ultra) and The Ferret
Store's Superior Choice.  Go to http://www.theferretstore,com and look thru
their foods.  Totally Ferret, 8in1 Ultimate, TFS Superior Choice, Zupreem
and Mazuri are all good foods.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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>From:    Gina Marie Ritz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferrets and sand
>Can anyone tell me if its ok for ferrets to play in a sand box?  I have a
>friend who asked me the other day and I didn't have an answer so I don't
>want her to do it until shes properly informed.
A lot of us have made "rice Boxes" for our babies. Just a large plastic
storage box with 20 lbs of plain rice in it. My ferrets loved it for a
while, then lost interest. I replaced the rice with a bag of "Play Sand"
from Wal-Mart. They loved that even more. It was slightly damp and would
hold it's shape when they dug a hole. Cap takes his brood out to play in
the sand on the beach. Yeah, sand boxes are okay.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & CLyde
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>From:    Toni Dickinson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Where to find a stuffed toy ferret?
>Hello, Does anyone know where I can find a Stuff Toy Ferret?  My Friend
>in California really wants a Ferret but is very very scared of getting
>one and won't get one since they are illegal there.  So I thought I would
>send him a stuff toy Ferret as a surprise.  I also want to get one for my
>daughters, niece and nephew.  So if anyone know I'd really appreciate it!
Go to http://www.theferretstore.com. They have several stuffed ferret
type creations.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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[Posted in FML issue 3408]