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Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:18:51 -0800
Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Took the boys in for their Rabies shots today-all went well-no problems.
Since I always make it a point of hanging around the vets office for at
least a half hour after the shots, I was fortunate to meet another ferret
owner!  Me...being me...and thinking that everyone and his brother knows
about the FML...asked who she was!  She looked at me kinda funny and then
it dawned on me that she might not be an FML'er!  So, I apologized for
sounding stupid, introduced myself, and then told her about the FML!  We
exchanged email addresses and I sent her the info on how to subscribe!
I hope she does!  I know I have learned so much from this list and I'd like
to see it continue to grow!  So...to Donna, if you subscribed...WELCOME!
The boys go back in three weeks for their Distemper.  Vet said he has seen
quite a few reactions lately!  Yikes!  Einstein still has major hair loss
on his tail-but the vet can still feel no abnormal lumps or bumps.  He said
he could run the Tennessee panel if I wanted, but it's his opinion that
this type of hairloss is always adrenal related.  He said we could do
exploratory surgery if I wanted...or I could wait another month or so to
see if anything else has developed.  He doesn't do the cryosurgery and I
am hesitant to put Ein through the stress of regular surgery.  If it was
Tyson, I wouldn't even have to think about it...but Ein...well, my gut
tells me he would to better with the cryo!  Guess I will think about it
for a bit longer and see what my options are!
My Marine son is being stationed within an hour of Dr. Weiss in Maryland.
Maybe a visit is in order!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope, and Einstein
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure
of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything."
Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 3372]