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Trudi Casler <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 02:49:41 EDT
text/plain (36 lines)
>I've found that clumping litter works well for my gang.  No one has ever
>gotten any stuck to their backsides.
i about fell out of my chair when i read this...not to be rude, im just
very blunt:
clumping litter is the worst thing you can use for an animal..especialy a
litter sticking on a butt is not the subject... the subject is
clumpinglitter "STICKS"...it "CLUMPS"...if your ferret ingests it while
grooming and etc....what do you think can/will happen?  just like a cat!
it will clump....INSIDE!!!  and petromalt/laxatone "WILL NOT" get rid of
i used the littermaid for my cats...and i had heard stories about clumping
litter on cats mand getting it inside when they groom themselves...i never
worried about..until my cat died and an autopsy was done....and low a
behold it worked just like it was suppose to..."IT CLUMPED" it coated the
insides really nicely...so my cat died because "I CHOSE TO IGNORE" what i
new it could do...
now see id never use it on my ferrets...but now i'll never use it on my
cats again...
having animals should not mean cutting costs by using products that can
give our pets cancer or by blocking their insides...why take the chance...
its not only the nose but its the insides...some vets know about it and
some dont...but it does happen...are you really willing to risk it?  my
ferrets mean more to me than that...if you pick up the book by mary
shefferman or even the book "ferrets for dummies" they even talk about
litter...clumping litter is a death sentence waitying to happen...
[Posted in FML issue 3583]