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William Killian <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 May 2001 02:56:23 -0400
text/plain (61 lines)
>From:    Debi Christy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: commenting on zen's comments
>I don't know about any of that from personal experience, but I'm surprised
>to learn that zen knows every ferret club in the world & the reason they
>disbanded.... Suki didn't specify any particular ones so how would you
ECE is an American disease so we can rule out those in other countries.
It started right up the road from us here in Virginia.  The show most
noted for problems from the disease was in Maryland.
The organizations that have held ferrets and sanctioned ferrets shows
are primarily the old IFA, NAFA, AFA, LIFE, LOS and the GLFA.
Only one of those was not centered in the Virginia/Maryland area.
Yes we do know the history of American ferret shows very well.
No club or show was stopped because of ECE in this area.  And none that
we know of in other areas.  The IFA folded because it was corrupt.
AFA is still going.  LIFE is more or less due to bad management.
LOS is still going.  NAFA is both badly managed and corrupt if it
exists at all.
The Maryland club that had that show did cease to exist but not
because of ECE.
We do not doubt the possiblity that ECE might have hurt some club
somewhere.  But as we said we do not know of it.
Now these same people that are now pounding the net on ADV did try to
sabotague the GCFA show in Chicago but both the club and the show are
still on going.
>On this one, I'd like to add that it's not completely the same people...
>I'm one of those now and was never before...
In the show world you are not a significant player.  You have not been
become a leader in the ADV hysteria and that is a compliment.
We are not participating in a high school forensic debate.  We are not
omitting the facts that work against us.
So e) None of the above is our choice.
>From:    "All Things.... FERRET!" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Black Sables
>Hello....I am new on this list and would love to know if there is any one
>in Canada or Eastern US who has black sable ferrets.
So you aren't disappointed, what would you consider a "black sable"?
They are not black.  There are completely different definitions in all of
the sanctioning organizations that use the term.
Bill and Diane Killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3429]