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Sat, 8 Sep 2001 19:15:17 -0500
D CHRISTEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Dear All!!!
I just forwarded this message today, and i passed it along to all that i
could think of, and also forwarded it to Mr. Gruber, in request that he
could post to the FML.
There is a Ferret/Reptile/Shelter/Rescue in Layton, Utah that has had all
of their ferrets seized, and are facing euth, if they are not found homes,
before 9/14/01.
In hopes that it will be posted, i have forwarded it to Troy Lynn Eckart,
and have just spoken to her on the phone, she has asked that i request,
This needs to be publicized """everywhere"""!!!!  all the news media needs
to know about it!!!!
Also, "If 25 people would open their homes to 10 ferrets, that is 250 that
will not die!!!  Or even if 50 people would open their homes to 10 ferrets,
that still leave 5 to find a home for, and I am sure that something can be
arranged for those also.  There are so many of us on the FML, if we care
enough, we will figure it out, and time is of the essence right now.  as I
write this, these ferrets are in the Davis County animal shelter, awaiting
a fate not one of us would want for our beloved ferrets, would we?
The person has left a phone # for contact: please, if you cannot get
through the first time, call again...if she finds homes for all of them,
then we can rest at night, knowing that we at least tried, her number to
be contacted is (801) 497-9792.
I myself got this forwarded to me frm a friend who runs a shelter in
Louisiana...and she asked me to see if I could post it to the FML.
They need to go to a ferret friendly zone.
Call the media and let them know what is going on!!!  the more publicity
they get, the more the heat is on...something has to be done..
[Posted in FML issue 3535]