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Tue, 7 Aug 2001 10:53:42 -0600
"Gustafson, Barb" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
First of all I want to thank everyone who participated in the recipe
contest.   I thoroughly enjoyed  each and every entry and as far as I'm
concerned you are all winners.
Picking a winning recipe was a tough job as they were all so great.  I
had to enlist the help of several ferret friends and after much laughter
we did finally managed to narrow it down.
And the winner is.....drum roll ...........................
"Ferret Cacciatore (Catch a Tory?!) by Renne."
Renne...you have won a donation made in your name to the shelter of your
choice.  Please contact me at [log in to unmask] with the
name of the shelter and how you would like the donation to be directed
(i.e. to the shelter to their vet etc).
And now for the winning recipe.......
Ferret Cacciatore (Catch a Tory?!)
Selecting Ferret Meat:
Remember that albino ferret=white meat  sables=dark AND white meat
Carefully select and remove sleeping ferret from cage.  Do not wake
ferret!  If ferret awakens, follow steps 1- 26
1)  whispering, carry ferret to kitchen counter.
2)  place ferret on cutting board
3)  Look for knife
4)  retrieve ferret from sink
5)  place ferret on cutting board
6)  do NOT turn your back on ferret
7)  I TOLD you not to do that!... now re-roll the papertowels!
8)  place ferrret on cutting board
9)  Open jar of Ragu sauce
      *Yes, this is cheating but who has time to waste NOW?*
10) Look for ferret
11) Squeak toy
12) look under bed
13) Strategically place trail of raisins from under bed to kitchen
14) Check the computer for latest issue of FML while waiting for ferret
    to come out.
15) Spot Ferret following raisin trail!
16) Chase ferret through the house, under table, across sofa, through the
    dryer hose
17) Block the OTHER end of dryer hose
18) watch ferret BACK UP in dryer hose.
19) Place BOTH ends of dryer hose on cutting board
20) wait (patiently) for ferret to emerge from dryer hose onto cutting
21) Pour dime-sized puddle of Ferretone on cutting board to entice ferret
22) Take a nap while waiting
23) Wake up hours later.... discover ferret gone as well as ferretone,
    cutting board, dryer hose, Ragu sauce, knife, and recipe!
24) Drive to store to purchase cut up chicken (ferret tastes just like
    chicken... nobody will know the difference)  and another jar of
    Ragu sauce
25) Plug in crockpot, dump in Ragu sauce and chicken.  Let simmer for 6
26) Lie down on sofa for another nap.  Wonder what those lumps are
    underneath the cushions...
hmmmmm .... could it be the missing ferret, cutting board, dryer hose,
Ragu sauce, knife and recipe???
Once again...thank you to everyone who participated.
Barb Gustafson
Alberta Ferret Society
[Posted in FML issue 3503]