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Thu, 12 Apr 2001 21:23:21 EDT
Debbi Searing <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
Can anyone around NH help here?  We have a teeny tiny SPCA in Concord that
only really handles cats and dogs, and right now they have 3 ferrets.  Two
are caged together in a wire cage with no covering on the floor (one a
dark sable, the other a silver mitt), and the other is a little albino
girl, one year old, who apparently is a biter so they said she would
probably be put down since they consider her unadoptable.  Luckily there
is a ferret-knowledgeable person at this shelter, so they are being fed
ferret food (MF I think), but there's no place for the ferrets to get out
and play.  There are really no ferret shelters anywhere near to us, and
I didn't know if any other shelter wanted to volunteer to take in the
ferrets that may come into our SPCA????  I would be willing to help with
transporting if need be.....The SPCA's number is 603-753-6751
Thanks,  debbi
[Posted in FML issue 3386]