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Mon, 19 Feb 2001 20:41:17 -0600
The Clarks <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Dear Friends!
Well, I could not respond till now and maybe better so.
I had been walking the floors for several nights and days with my dying
ferret cuddled against my chest when all this happened.  I was so exhausted
and sick with pain in my heart and waiting for a reply from Dr. Williams,
which never came.  Now I know why.  I anxiously kept checking my mail in
hopes of maybe getting one more last suggestion to save my little boy and
that's when I saw the post from him, that he was leaving.  Well, that made
me throw up!!
All hope went down the drain for my little guy.  No wonder I have no reply,
he probably is afraid to open any of his mail right now.  This does not
matter any more, my Mo is gone and I am so empty inside.  But to know that
the flamer's have won over all of us, is what's sickening to me and just
makes me furious.  I can't be the only one realizing, that the more you
answer these sick people, the more they like it, they thrive on stuff like
that!  It is so gratifying to them to see us all bickering.  Exactly what
they're aiming for!  What is so hard about using the "Delete" button I ask
you all?  So they try to hurt my feelings or tell a lie about me.  That's
ok, I don't care.  I know who I really am and what I am about, and my real
friends hopefully do to.  I may have to read the first flaming post but
from then on it is: poof >>> and you're gone.  Why can't everybody do the
I do realize the need for anonimous posting but when they are such open,
obvious flames, they should not be allowed under such cowardly fashion.
I don't care if they come from California or not, they do not have the
ferrets best interest at heart.  Somebody so nasty does not deserve animals
to start with.  Trash like this will not prevail if we don't react and give
them the much needed fuel they so crave for their flames.  My vote would be
like this:
<Yes >    for anonymous posting only when truly needed
<NO >     for any anonymous ones containing flaming
I would bet that "Big" is about ready to pull out all his hair by now,
aren't you Bill?
I really do hope that something can be done about this cowardly way of
flaming and accusing or this list won't prevail.  I hope that all TRUE
ferret lovers will stay and continue sharing valuable information.  We need
to show all cowards that we will not fuel their sick minds nor stoop to
their levels.  I wished Dr. Williams would have ignored them too but I hear
they even sent ill wishes to his family.  Sick, sick, sick!  I totally
understand and support his decision.  It certainly is a sad time for this
Right now I am trying to heal and go on without my beloved Mo.  I won't
leave the list but will not be in a hurry to read it every day.  Yes I am a
little angry right now but only with the people that have done this to us.
Kisses to all the ferrets,
(The one who's motor runs on ferret kisses.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPORTANT NOTE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Remember all, we have changed our email address !!!!
We can now be reached at [log in to unmask]
Make sure you update your address books !!
[Posted in FML issue 3334]