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Sun, 14 Oct 2001 14:53:38 -0500
Chris Perth <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
Hi you guys!
Hope you re all doing ok, humans and fuzzies (and that the sick ones are
getting better!)
I posted a little while ago about our problem with the first two fuzzies
(Logan & Leeloo mostly Leeloo) not accepting the new baby Salma
Salma is doing GREAT (playing a lot, SO different less scared and grabbing
meat from my hand without taking a piece of my finger!) but... a couple
weeks now and it s still stressfull between them.
Salma still sleeping separate since Leeloo attacks her if she wants to
join them in bed.  (Logan sleeps whith whoever is closer, but does prefer
Leeloo since Salma doesn't hiss at him)
I ve tried everything BUT from Bitter Apple which I still haven t found
over here, I was wondering if anyone here knows about a green gel and
other sprays that are supposed to keep cats and dogs away from things are
these SAFE for ferrets at ALL?!!!  Anyone?  And if so, does it work as
Bitter Apple do?!  I thank those who write me with any info or suggestion
on other products otherwise I ll just ask a friend with credit card to
order Bitter Apple online, which would take a while to get here but better
that than not try at all.
Another thing: Do you guys think that Salma will get less scared of Leeloo
as well with time?  For those who don t know, Leeloo is a year and half
and Salma 3 months old, and even though Leeloo is tiny she's the
"boss"(Salma is much bigger than Leeloo already!--I think Salma's gonna
be huge, almost 15 inches already!).
Any idea of how OLD scared fuzzies usually start to feel more confident
and fight back?  (not that I want to see them fight, only so Leeloo leaves
her alone!  so far when Leeloo gets a hold of her Salma only screams like
she s dying!).  When she can run she always hides somewhere she can dart
and give small snake/eel-bites to those who threaten her, or she runs for
me and hides behind my legs (cutie knows mom ll protect her).
Er sorry this got huge again, and I haven t even written the main reason I
m worried today!  The thing is: I think because of being upset about Salma
(and maybe becauser of being scruffed every time I catch her attacking
Salma) that Leeloo is getting DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!  =:-O
Now THAT is something that freaks me out!!!  I don t ever wanna see any of
them cuties sad!  And if Leeloo IS indeed depressed then I feel it s my
fault!  Not for lack of attention or play, since I m most of the day and
night there playing and giving ALL of them the same amount of attention
and cuddlin , but because I brought Salma home and then I ground Leeloo
(put her in the bathtub for a few minutes after bad bites), can Leeloo
really be feeling so bad?!!
I think she might be depressed cause she s been sleeping a bit more than
usual, and also because since Salma came she has lost about 0.2 lb!!!
(almost 100 gr!!!--you can tell from looking at her, or I can).
Now this is really IMPORTANT please anyone knows or can tell me where to
find this info:
-------> How much is TOO SKINNY (unhealthy, or sick and dying!) for a tiny
girl-fuzzy who measures 12 inches / 30cm (from head to butt tail is an
extra 4 inches)??!!!!!!!!!
Before Salma s arrival Leeloo weighted 1.3 lb (600 grams), now she's
starting to look so!  (and without doing much exercise!) I watch her eat
ok (especially meat) and she seems fine when she s awake (poop and pee are
fine too), but she does sleep a bit more, and stays longer on my arms
(she's the resltess one of the 3) and then the weight loss now!  Should I
put her already on some special food or wait until she loses more weight
to really worry?
Any ideas of how to HELP her with her depression if that s the case?  I'm
so worried!!!!!!! :-(
Thanks so much for ANY ideas or help!!!  I hope I'm just freaking
out/dramatizing for no reason (again), but poor little Leeloo..  :-(
Hug and dooks to you all,
sweet Logan,
tiny (depressed?)
Leeloo and little (yet not so little) Salma! :-D
Hugs and dooks to everyone!
Chris, Logan, Leeloo & Salma.
/-0 0-\
\  V  /
See the fuzzy-cuties at
[Posted in FML issue 3571]