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Tue, 11 Sep 2001 03:18:58 +0000
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I am deeply saddened to tell all of you that my beloved Poncho crossed over
the bridge at 7:20pm cdt.  As many of you will remember, he is the ferret
that Bob Church rescued years ago and put up for adoption on the list, I
was the lucky and very blessed person that got to be Poncho's mom.  I
haven't been able to get ahold of Bob to tell him, I've lost his email
along with my entire address book when we switched internet servers.  If
anyone out there is in regular contact with him, could you let him know
about Poncho for me?  I can be reached at [log in to unmask] and my home
phone is 913-592-4131.
I am grateful that my wonderful husband was with Poncho in his last moments
and did for him everything that I would have done.  This has helped me deal
with his loss.  He was never sick a day in his life after I adopted him
until about two weeks ago when he began to lose weight and ack a little
"strange".  I started him on the soup right away and it immediately had a
positive effect on him.  His weight came back in days and his energy level
as well.  I believe he was at least 8 years old.  Yesterday (Sunday) he
seemed a little weak and disoriented so I got him the soup again and gave
him a warm bath as he had soiled himself, something he never had done
before.  Within minutes he was running around the ferret room, playing in
the tubes and tunnels and just behaving like a kit again!  I was greatly
encouraged.  I was unfortunately not at home today when my husband heard a
noise from the ferret room and went down to check and found Poncho in grand
mal seizure.  He immediately brought him upstairs and called Bobbi McCanse
at the Ferret Hotline for advice.  She gave him some suggestions which he
followed and Poncho seemed to respond and calm down.  He then again had
another seizure and again my husband took care of him and he calmed down
again and then as he was holding and cradling him he just let out a couple
of sighs and was gone.  David my husband said he was very peaceful just
before he died.  I know in my heart that Poncho felt loved every minute
he was with us even up to the moment he crossed over the bridge.  Sandee,
watch for him, he's as sweet as can be, loves kisses and loves to have his
tummy tickled.  Ask Mickey, Kodo, Munchkin, Freddie and Smokey to show
him around as they have all gone before him and I am sure are experts at
finding the Cheerios.  Fmlers, thanks once again for being here for me
when I need you.  My heart is broken now, but the joy that Poncho gave me
in his life with me is worth the pain I feel now.
Julie and
Razz (Where's my bunkmate?)
All missing Poncho tonight.
[Posted in FML issue 3537]