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Thu, 9 Aug 2001 22:50:04 -0500
text/plain (59 lines)
Hello Everyone,
Although I am no longer a member of this list, I am hoping this can go
through.  I don't know how else to even begin to repay someone.
I met my best friend here on the list.  I love her to death and would fight
anyone for her.  She is a really great woman and understands one very
simple fact about me, I may be emotional and yell when I am mad, stomp up
and down and everything else, but it does not mean I am crazy.  She has
stuck up for me, stood by me and cried with me on the on phone when I lost
a ferret.
This last year has been extremely hard on me due to extreme health
problems.  I have had no regular income for the whole time and have sold
off a lot of things.  I have worked hard to take care of the ferrets in a
reasonable manner, and have a wonderful vet who understands my problems
and has never turned me away when someone was sick.
But today, in 90+ heat here in Missouri, the electric company turned off
the power with no more notice than knocking at the door to tell me.  Having
but $10 to my name right now, I couldn't give them any money.  That $10 is
going for catfood.
The bill was only a month, and was only issued three weeks ago.  I didn't
have anything else to pawn, and I don't have anyone here I could borrow
And I was worried sick about the ferrets, especially Myrna who is having a
really rough time with insulinoma.  We are having a hard time getting her
to eat and drink on her own, she keeps having seizures and she is currently
being hand fed and being given sub q fluids as well as meds.  She is
hanging in like a little trooper but stress is been rough for her and me.
but my dear dear friend wired me money to pay the bill plus the reconnect
charges.  She dropped everything to go and do it.  I got the power turned
back on in a matter of hours and the house only got to about 82.
Myrna started throwing up but I gave her something for her tummy and she
seems to be doing better right now.
Why do I tell you about this?  To let you know that although there are more
than a couple of us who have run into some really hateful and monstrous
folks in the ferret community, there is also some really really wonderful
folks.  They get shouted down a lot and lurk to stay clear of the others,
but they are there.
So Catherine, thank you.  You have no idea what it meant to me to have
someone I could count on like this.  I love you dearly and I don't think
you have a clue how special you are to me, and to others.  There are not
many like you around and I am very blessed to have you as my friend.
And I ask, if my story has moved you, to send Cath a nice ecard or
something.  She is having a really tough time herself right now.  Her
email is [log in to unmask]
blessings to all,
[Posted in FML issue 3505]