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Thu, 5 Jul 2001 08:39:01 -0700
Ferrets-N-Limbo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
It's been some time since I last touched base with all of you.  So much has
been going on!!  I'm proud to say that by mid-July we'll be ready to go!!
The web-site is coming along and should be done in the next week or so.
Our July meeting is scheduled for the 22nd.  We're having a major build it,
paint it, clean it day with a Bar-B-Q for lunch!  We'll be building cages,
cleaning donated supplies, painting, etc.  We're very excited about it and
already have a great group of people involved.  For those that don't know
us (which is easy enough as I've only posted a few times-LOL)- we are a new
ferret shelter opening near the Altamonte Springs/Apopka area in Florida.
Although not truely open- we've rescued and adopted out two ferrets thus
far.  I'm very excited and anxiuos to be underway.
A few comments about ADV testing.  This is something that myself and our
Vice President have gone back and forth on since January.  Our shelter,
like so many, is part of our house.  We have established a way to isolate
for a duration of three weeks, so that is not necessarily the problem.  The
questions begin with what if we DO get a positve?  As Sara was stating in
yesterday's post- we have no where to send these unfortunate babies.  To
keep them in quarantine forever-until they are adopted-seems harsh..... The
question of expense pops up too- to my knowledge the tests are 10.00 each..
That can add up fast considering the number of ferret's most shelters take
in.  That's money taken away from surgery, etc.  On the other hand, can we
afford not to test?
I guess the point is that there are two sides to every story.  We are
fortunate to not have, yet, any confirmed cases in Florida- not to say it's
not here!!  We've planned a Board meeting to hammer out the issue and make
a final decision.  Creative replies are welcomed- flames are not tolerated.
We are educated and not taking this matter lightly....
I'll let you all know how the meeting goes!!
Love and hug your kids(fury and otherwsie) today, we know not what
tommorrow brings.
[Posted in FML issue 3470]