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Mon, 2 Jul 2001 22:59:53 -0700
Yvonne Zoll <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Greetings All!
After the day I've had, I just had to post a note on the joys of being a
ferret parent.  Until today, I was not aware that there was such a thing
as THE CARPET MONSTER!!!But oh yes, exist he does!  While we were pulling
up the old carpet in the spare room, he made his terrible presence known
to all in the household.  Fortunately for me, little Tazzicle was there
to fend him off!  But, alas, poor Tazz just wasn't quite a match for this
monster, and just in the nick of time Hannibal the valiant arrived to save
the day!  Tazz retreated to the closet "cave" to tend his "wounds", and
Hannibal went to work thwarting the evildoer with his magnificent powers
of the stolen stinky sock,ferociuos tackle,mesmerising dance,sneaky pounce,
dook distraction,jaws of death chomp,catlike claw scratch,....and to top
it off, Hannibal used his favorite and most feared power.  The power of
paralyzing poop!  This he placed directly on top of the not-so-neatly
rolled up pile of carpet monster once he finished with it just to make
absolutely sure the fiend wouldn't be returning!  Tazz came out of his
sanctuary in time to see the deed done, and immediately went to spread
word of the monsters defeat to all throughout the household!  Then, one by
one, they each came to see with thier own eyes, and to celebrate Hannibal's
great victory.  There was a great deal of dooking and dancing amongst them,
followed by a great feast of totally ferret, peanut butter yogies, and
stolen potatoes.  So now they have all settled down for a peaceful night's
sleep, resting assured that the evil carpet monster has been forever
thwarted!!  Thanks be to Hannibal!!  (Tazz did give it a good run for it's
money though :) )
Ahh....My kids. What can I say? I love em!
Yvonne and the five fuzzy kleptomaniacs.
Tazzicle,Socks,U.V.,Hannibal,and Goldy
[Posted in FML issue 3467]