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Fri, 15 Jun 2001 08:21:43 -0700
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
>From:    matan rosenstrauch <[log in to unmask]>
>well i know that i should either give her a jet or get her spayed.  well
>spaying i wont do.  and the jet she gets she gets outta heat but then
>RETURNS TO THE HEAT!  the weather hee is hot, and she is always in heat.
>now do u get the problem?
Nope, I don't get the problem.  What on earth does "jet" mean?  Do you mean
injection or are you going to put her on a plane and send her to someone in
the states who can adequately care for her and possibly save her life?  Are
you telling us that she is in heat (too hot because of the temperature) or
that she is in heat (ready to be mated)?  Perhaps you could specify which
it is?  The temperature does not send jills into heat (the sexual kind),
so your post is really confusing.
Your posts are very confusing and you have asked the SAME QUESTIONS
REPEATEDLY!  I am also confused at why you do not answer people who email
you privately, since you have asked for people to do so in past posts.
No offense, Matan, but it is very hard to understand your posts.  Is there
someone you know in Israel who is better at writing English that can post
messages for you?  It would be helpful so we can bettter understand your
I hope the scenario you have put forth, is not real.  If it is real, I pray
for that ferret.  Who is your vet?  You never answered that question.  If
you can specify who your vet is, then maybe we can help educate your vet
via contacting them.  I am willing to.
Is anyone else concerned or upset by these posts?  BIG, is there a way to
determine if these posts are actually coming from Israel?  Can you see the
headers?  I really wonder if Matan actually exists since the same questions
are repeated weekly and he wont return any private email when he requests
it on the FML.  Any ideas?  I am really concerned if this ferret he speaks
of is being treated (or not treated) this way.
I really hate to think this is a real case and not just someone playing a
prank.  YIKES!
[Moderator's note: Yes, the posts are from Israel.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3450]