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Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:19:16 -0000
Marta -Cricket-Mitchell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Sharonkay Wrote:
>Have anyone taken their ferret or ferrets outdoors and have them meet
>people?  How do the ferrets react to the people?  What has been your
>experiences?  Anyone use carriers on your back/front?
>What about taking them on weekend to a week vacations?
My babies LOVE going outside and meeting new people.  They know a few words
very well, and Grandma would be one of them.  THey love to go see grandma.
We put their leads on them, and they run to their carrier and won't budge!
It it so funny.  I also take them to my husbands softball games.  Sadie's
way of saying hello is to stick her nose in your ear, and she loves new
people....I warn new folks, and some don't mind her sniffing their ear and
some are put off by it.  THe little kids get so excited and want to pet
them, so I'll turn them around so they can pet the babies backs.  You get
all different reactions from "Yuck, those are gross," to "Oh, they are so
cute!" People ask questions about what they eat, and if they make good
pets, and I have to honestly say that I love them but they are definatly
NOT a good pet for everyone, and I have to tell the kids that you have to
spend tons of time with them and be very sweet to them or they will be mean
just like a cat or dog will be mean if you aren't nice to them......The
very best was when I took them to a parade and we stood up when the flag
went by.  My babies watched the bagpipers from all the way down the street
to the other end.  They were so interested, and the people across the
street were pointing and laughing.  THey thought it was adorable.
Marta and my little munchkins Sadie and Simon
"Come see our unique ferret designs.  T-shirts, greeting cards and many
other gift ideas.  Look for us at http://www.miners-peak.com or look for
us at http://www.theferretstore.com in the "stuff for people" section"
[Posted in FML issue 3450]