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Wed, 13 Jun 2001 20:24:47 -0400
diane killian <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
>From:    Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Marshall Farms two cents
>In fact, Lisette, many of those who have supported Marshall Farms in the
>past, and stood up for them, have been known to change their tune.  It
>would not be fair of me to name names because they obviously are not
>coming forward about it due to the backlash from some of those who do
>support Marshall Farms (who can blame them?)....Also, someone on here
>(cannot remember who) asked for you to supply the name of the vet who
>gave the report.  I can understand asking for this clarification since I
>have asked a few Marshall Farms supporters to come forth with who they
>obtain(ed)their information from.  This is important if people are to
>believe any of what is stated....There is no reason for Marshall Farms
>to hide from people, is there?  They need to own what they say.
For the record, we will publicly state that one of the most compelling
reasons that we must respectfully decline to divulge the names of the
people we have any dealings with at Marshall Farms is because of the past
history of harassment and intimidation, up to and including death threats.
These threats are not limited to merely targeting the employees alone, but
in fact, have included threats on the lives of some government officials
overseeing the business operations of Marshall Farms.  Even more
horrendous, the children of these same people have been threatened.  The
only reason we have named Dr. Bell is because of her own public
acknowledgement of the situation.
While it is true that anonymity is a useful tool when applied correctly,
in this circumstance, when used by the accusers, or their agents, it only
serves to further incite distrust.  To the best of our knowledge, the
people at Marshall Farms have not shied away from discussions with vets,
and other learned individuals concerning the animals that actually come
from the Marshall Farms facility.  Perhaps if the anonymous vet were to
write Marshall Farms directly, identify him or herself, and voice their
concerns, an open and honest dialog could take place.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3448]