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Wed, 16 May 2001 23:29:22 -0400
text/plain (25 lines)
Hi.  Let me start off by saying we have a rather old house with old windows
that don't stay up on their own and need to have something wedged in there
to hold them up.  You can probably see where this post is going .... I was
in the room playing with them and i ran downstairs to put their bedding in
the wash.  I was gone maybe 10 minutes and i came back up here and i look
over and i see a lump of fur stuck between the screen and the window :(
Sydney somehow managed to get the wedge out that was holding up the window
and it fell on her.  So i open the window and she was just lying there.  I
picked her up and she laid quietly in my arms.  Shes usually squirmy when i
pick her up.  So i attempted to put her on the floor and she automatically
fell on her side.  I looked at her paw and she had a series of cuts.  Ever
since this happened (about 5pm on Wednesday) she is very lethargic, but
still eating and drinking ok.  It is swollen to about twice the normal
size.  I cleaned it with peroxide and put some betadine on it.  The reason
she hasn't seen a vet yet is because i called my normal vet and he is on
vacation until the 21st.  Although they referred me to a lot of other
numbers, they were all dead ends and none of the animal hospitals around
here treat ferrets.  I am located in Northeast PA.  If anyone has any
information on where i can do it would be greatly appreciated.  I hate
to see her in pain like this!  I feel like such a bad ferret mommy!
Nichole and the 10 fuzzers
[Posted in FML issue 3420]