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Mon, 7 May 2001 23:40:07 -0700
Barbara Clay <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Dear All, we so enjoy the individuality of ferrets and the joy that a
single ferret can bring that we try to multiply that joy for our own
selfish happiness.
Unfortunately, ferret math multiplies to proportions out-of-control for
cleanliness, time, costs and the individual and collective well being of
our ferrets and our families.
In supervising adoptions at Rocky's, here is an equation I offer my shelter
volunteers, adoptive families and people we meet in Outreach;
Take the number of ferrets you have . . . . . . . X
Multiply it times the cost of one ferret that has a contagious disease;
including the vet visit, the anti-biotics and supple-mental care and
hospitilization . . . . . . . . . . X
Now look at your checking & savings account, credit cards, etc.
Without putting yourself and family in harm's way by facing eviction,
phone being turned off and comfortable standard of living to which you
are deserving. . . .
Can you afford to give your ferrets and family what they require and
Set your limit on this equation and then, still put an emergency fund
of about $500 per animal away for that dreaded rainy day.  Remember,
the equation is just for contagious diseases, not terminal care.
Hope this helps.
Affection and Care, Barbara Clay, Director of Shelter
Affairs for Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter, Inc.
832C Falls Rd., Parkton, Md. 21120  410 329-6111
[Posted in FML issue 3411]