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Mon, 7 May 2001 06:17:52 -0700
"Aileen N." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Wanted to share this cute story....
My big boy, Kyle, has insulinoma, and he takes .5 cc of liquid prednisone
twice a day.  Every time he takes it, he shakes his head furiously and
when I put him down, he rubs his face along the carpet.
This morning after Kyle's dose, my fiance put Kyle on my back so I could
take him back to the ferret room.  Suddenly I felt something against my
neck.  Kyle was pushing his head back and forth into my hair to clean his
face off!  I could actually feel his canines catching at some strands as
he rubbed and rubbed.
When I pulled him around to face me and give him a stern talking-to about
using mommy as a napkin, he kissed my nose. :-P
Aaaah, the love of a ferret.
Aileen & the Herd
The Ferrets: Slinky, Kyle, Noel, & Toby
The Dogs: Rootie the beagle & Tank the GSD/basset
Still missing Sandy & Gizmo. We love you.
Check out the Herd's website at: http://www.geocities.com/anippy
[Posted in FML issue 3411]