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Fri, 4 May 2001 15:36:59 -0400
Ginny Kerr <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
As a quick re-intro, I first joined fml 5 yrs ago when my sons girlfriend
talked my dh into letting her keep her ferret here.  She was a cuddler.
When he moved out, and took her away, he broke my heart.  And I left the
They finally got her a sibling, she got sick and went to the bridge on
Thanksgiving.  I don't think it was ECE, but can't be sure.  (He asked me
to babysit 1 1/2 hr AFTER bringing in the new kid.  And then two days
before she left) Think she was sick 6 or 7 days later, not within 2.  So
they immediately got a new girl with the same face.
They are now 2 1/2 yrs old and MY kids!  Not just grandkids, but MINE!  lol
Since Feb anyway.  Let me introduce them:
Twiggy, male cinnamon, a sneaky biter.  Bare skin is an invitation and a
temptation beyond resistance.  And here comes summer... I did get kisses
once!  Do I trust him, is he softening me up for a bite?  I trusted him,
and he did good :) Only the once so far, but I'm hoping.
Missy?, female sable.  She just doesn't seem like a Missy.  She is an
insomniac so you don't have to call her.  As if they remembered their
names <G>  But I haven't found anything that fit her yet.  The vet said
she had a beautiful coat and was the first fert he's seen without ear wax.
(Does anyone know of a GOOD ferret vet in the Canton area?) She always got
LOTS of petting, but doesn't want held long.  Take me somewhere new and let
me down now!  She also goes rabid over a rabbit haired toy mouse.
And the now 12 yr old jealous dobe is named Misty.  IF I could sneak in
the kid room, she would hear HER name.  She wants NO part of the new kids.
Dani would chew her face or lick in her ears.  These want her feet/legs.
Don't touch my darn feet!!!  .  And there are two!  She can't watch two
ways at once.  Funny stories one day. :)
Thats the brief intro lol, now for what I really want to ask.
They are on 8 in 1 ultra ferret food, with the raisin juice.  They turn up
their little snobby noses at anything new.
From the time I picked them up until now, they itch.  They did NOT have
fleas.  I got them to take them to the vet for their annual and he checked.
I thought they might need more oil in their diet, but didn't want to give
them straight ferretone too often.  I have mixed extra virgin olive oil
with it as the bottle went down.  They aren't as itchy, but still scratch
too often.
The 8-in-1 label state "Fat from both animal tallow (don't rehash the
topic, but its part of the reason for my question) and corn oil provides
energy and a high level of linoleic acid required for healthy skin and
I make handmade soap.  Hi Ela, we know about claims don't we! :)  I have
lots of different oils on hand.  And know most of their acid profiles.
Now if linoleic type oil is what is required, and what they use, why are
kids dry skinned?  At first I looked up oleic, misremem- bering, which
olive is high in.  If linoleic is needed, safflower, macademia or
grapeseed are better than tallow or corn.
Which oil will help their dry itchy skin best?
[Posted in FML issue 3408]