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Sat, 7 Apr 2001 23:38:41 -0400
William Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Peaches has gained her weight back and was finally getting over a very
serious bout with diarrhea so we decided to take in a computer show this
morning.  For those who don't know about these things, there is a guy in
the northeast who makes a pretty good living at going to a different place
almost every weekend to set up a flea market for computers, parts &
software.  The conversation (some overheard) is almost always good, and
the computer stuff can be good too.
Today was wonderfully sunny in the 40s, and after us parking in the upper
lot, Peaches decided that she wanted to go in my jacket rather than stay in
the car.  We both knew that a white car this early in the season would be
okay for her and wouldn't come close to dangerous temperatures.
Now peaches is a real 'people' ferret and as we got close to the entrance,
she decided that she wanted a better look and of course popped right up
like a weasel.  This caused the lady with the blue suit and badge to come
running out waving her arms, which then caught the attention of four other
people who said in unison 'aw look a ferrrrrritttt!!', and came over as
Peaches smiled her sweetest smile, and everyone told me about how much they
liked ferrets, one of the friends had a ferret, and so on and so forth.
The guard lady tried to say that animals weren't allowed, I told the
assembled crowd that Peaches was the good will ambassador for all
Massachusetts ferrets cause after Gov Weld signed the bill, she had gone
into the State House offices (by herself with an aid) to show the Staff
what a ferret was, and to thank them for making it legal for her.  The
Guard lady then said that maybe we should check with the person selling
tickets, but then more people showed up, and the person stamping hands
offered to stamp a paw as well, and we just went on in, while the guard
lady gave up and smiled in approval.
Peaches didn't see any computers that she really wanted, but she did manage
to get on 'TV' again as one man was demonstrating an electronic camera.
Another person learned that Peaches isn't a rodent, but that ferrets are
in the mink family.  Comparing a ferret to a mink is a little like a dog to
a wolf; some dogs bite, so do a few ferrets if mistreated... but they are
much smaller animals.
Lots of people learned about ferrets today and came away with a real
appreciation for them as special.  They are intelligent, they do take a
little time.  They aren't always 100% on target with the litter box, like
to dig and explore, and are terrible thieves, but can be great companions
if given a little time and attention.
Perhaps the best part of the day for us both came when we were leaving and
were stopping to thank the guard lady for being so nice.  Another women
came by and said that she had three ferrets, Peaches took an interest and
smelled the women's ferrets on her sweater.  Now Peaches has been an only
ferret since John Bear died late last fall but she had lived with as many
as six others at various times in the past.  For a while she seemed to be
enjoying her independence and not being dominated by the others.  In a word
now though I think it is time, If she could have figured out a way to climb
in that ladies sleeve and go home with her, she would have.  She knew that
other ferrets had been their recently and she wanted to meet them.  All
three people knew it, and there was no doubt.
This week Peaches & I will together visit a shelter or two.  Tonight she
had nearly half a jar of Gerber's turkey and also some Totally Ferret for
Oldsters without grinding her teeth.  Her coat is becoming thick once
again, and she is snuggled in her hammock, undoubtedly dreaming of warmer
weather and that 'perfect' new beau.  Can life get any better?
[Posted in FML issue 3381]