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Mon, 19 Feb 2001 12:42:15 -0800
Kim Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Siggy is a MArshall ferret, who was not properly spayed.(Marshall's
de-sexes their babies by 6 weeks of age)She has come into heat twice, the
first time was December, and she was brought out, and now a second time
she is in season it is only february.I was hoping to have more time to
save up for her surgery to have the spay corrected.We had 4 adoptions this
weekend,totaling $230 and that money is going toward vaccinating everyone
at a clinic this Wednesday, and replacing cracked litterpans.  I also had
bought clips and cotton batting already from that money, to make hammocks,
which is something we do as a fundraiser.  I am making Easter and
St.Patrick's day hammies right now, will have pics soon.  Rabies and
Distemper are due, for Siggy, Sterling, and Baby, costing $19 each...
(without their vaccinations, ferrets are illegal in our county) What is
left will go toward the surgery.The surgery costs $185(exploratory) and
anaesthesia is $50.She will have possibly one night stay, at $25.  Our vet
has agreed to give a 20% discount on all their procedures, thankfully, but
we will not have enough for Siggy's surgery, as Payment is due upon the
procedure being done.we had to schedule her for emergency surgery, before
she gets aplastic anemia.  I have written to Marshall Farms, asking if they
will assist this cost.I have not yet heard back.She is Scheduled for the
surgery on Thursday, March 1st.  If you can find it in your heart to help
with her bill, we'd be extremely grateful.  I will be writing seperately to
Judith White, of Save Our Shelters (S.O.S.) and see if they will help us,
so you can donate tax-deductable.Our vet is Dr.Burton and Hayward of Animal
Care Unlimited, located on Billingsly rd.  their phone number is
(614)766-2317 if you would like to verify her surgery.I never thought I'd
have to write a letter like this.I've rescued for four years without
needing to ask for donations in this manner.
Thanks in advance,
Kim Wolf
Mystyf Ferret Rescue
Kim Wolf, Mystyx Samoyeds,MFX Ferrets, and Ferret Rescue.Member Critter
Haven East Region.
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[Posted in FML issue 3334]