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Fri, 2 Feb 2001 09:50:32 -0800
Laura Spearman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
hello everyone!!
i am new here to the ferret list, so i would like to introduce myself and
my wonderful fuzzies.  my name is laura and im owned by jacob, bailey &
jacob is my oldest at 2 years old.  he is a beautiful silver mitt.  he is
also the most hyper of my small crew.  next is bailey.  he is an albino
with the sweetest disposition i have ever seen!!  he is 1 1/2.  then is my
baby girl, abilgail.  she is a dark sable and she is about to turn one.
i am also a foster mom of our local ferret shelter.  (ferret business of
georgia).  i have one of the shelter ferrets that is termally ill living
with us.  her name is chickie.  she has insolunomia and adrenal disease.
she is almost completely bald, but she does not act like she is sick at
all!  she has to be hand fed, given her pred twice daily and housed
separetely because she does not like other ferrets.  she is 8 or 9 years
please keep jacob in your thoughts for the next few days, because he is
very sick.  some type of virus or bacterial infection.  (it broke my heart
to see him with an iv and one of those collars on so he cant scratch at
it).  hopefully he will be coming home today!!
i hope to be posting here on a regular basis, im excited to meet all of
Laura Spearman
Adopt A Ferret That Needs A Good Home!!
Ferret Business of GA
Call Juliana Quadrozzi @
[Posted in FML issue 3317]