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Sun, 22 Apr 2001 00:15:11 -0400
William Killian <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
>From:    Debra Thomason <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret Vaccinations/Fort Dodge
Your history is inaccurate.  FROMM-D was discontinued.  It was deemed
superfluous (after a merger or buyout of lines made by another company if
we recall) and only Galaxy-D was still made.  FROMM was based on a chick
embryo base and Galaxy on a simian base as we recall as well.
Galaxy-D has always been Galaxy-D through several manufacturers including
Solvay and the others.  Solvay was the name of the company when Fromm was
dropped.  The others were stopping points along the way.
Dr. Williams post and the abstract quoted in it do show that mustela
nigripes was indeed protected by Galaxy.  It really doesn't mean that
it is guaranteed to be effective and safe in ferrets though it makes it
far more likely.
>From:    The Hintons <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Black footed ferrets
We will leave this with that we think you misunderstand the budget process
for the United States.  We think the man actually elected would have done
a far batter job based on the successes of the previous administration.
>Stop crying about presidents you disagree with philosophically
Perhaps there was no crying going on as we saw none.  But many of us will
never accept G.W.  Bush as a duly elected president.  He lost the vote in
Florida as the US as a whole.  He is acting as if his loss of the election
but selection by a partisan Supreme court gives him the right to destroy
programs supported by the vast majority of the citizens of the UNited
States.  Protecting the Black Footed Ferret is indeed one of those programs
being cut despite the majority of our citizens supporting the program.
>By the bye, does anyone have any solid info on what cloning of endangered
>species is not being tried?
Cloning of endangered species holds little promise at this point.  But
it is not cheaper than a breeding program.  If the administration denies
funding for more traditional breeding programs why would the feel
differently about non-traditional programs such as cloning.
[Posted in FML issue 3395]