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Wed, 11 Apr 2001 23:43:06 -0500
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I lost a ferret today.
A few weeks ago the humane society called then a woman brought me a ferret
found stray in her yard.  I put an ad in the local paper, & put her in my
bedroom to stay away from my own ferrets, as mine got ECE in 1999.
No one ever called about her.  I resolved that I would keep her.  Her teeth
looked like she was around 5 or 6 MAYBE- they were not in very good shape.
She was so KISSY!  She would almost lick your whole face if you let her!  I
named her Aphrodite since she was so kissy & lovable.(Goddess of Love on
Xena - my fave tv series)
She did well the first few weeks here, didn't mind the food, wasn't picky,
did not start losing weight, I thought she would be fine.  She ate great
up until a few days ago, & she stopped eating.  So I went to the store
immediately & bought her some Gerber chicken & unflavored pedialyte mixed
with Nutrical & ferretone.  She had lost weight quickly, but would eat when
I fed her every 3 to 4 hours.  Yesterday she seemed to not want it as much,
but I still got it in her, & her hind legs weren't working for her.  Today
she REFUSED Food, & her breathing became labored.  I took her to the vet,
she passed away on the way or in the waiting room.
When I had Zeus & Samantha last year, Samantha was 4 yrs old, she showed
hardly any signs except runny poops.  I fed her Gerber "just in case" &
because I was feeding Zeus at the time.  Zeus (around 3) had lost a lot
of weight, but ate the Gerber then began about a week later on his kibble
again, (I still fed him Gerber for another couple weeks just in case) He
came out of it fine, & I had been really worried about him because he had
lost so much weight.
I feel guilty about her dying.  I should have known better than to bring
her into the house when mine had had ECE.  I was so wrong to assume she
would be okay if I just fed her & watched her weight.
I had not posted about her because I have been busy the first couple
weeks she was here, then recently, between feeding her, & my schedule, but
I always fed her on her schedule I made.  I thought she would be okay, I
thought I would post about my new little kissy Aphrodite after I knew no
one was calling to take her home.  I had started the post several days ago
but was interrupted so I never completed & posted it.
Sandee, Please watch for Aphrodite, tell her I'm so sorry, that I fell in
love with her in the time she was here.  Please take her to my ferret Bones
who just went to the Rainbow Bridge in Feb.She didnt know my Bones, but he
can meet her & take care of her there (please tell Bones I love him & miss
him too .) Thank you...
Sorry this is so long, I just have to post this.  I want to put a memorial
page on my site for her.  I wish I would have taken pictures, she was so
pretty.  And so sweet.
      ~Sammy~& ~Dito~
~Missing Bones & Aphrodite~
[Posted in FML issue 3385]