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Mon, 2 Apr 2001 11:56:49 -0400
Kris Lantz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi Everyone!
I'm feeling a little better this week, as I have had some very generous
offers from fuzzy families offering their homes and hearts to Fizz-gig.
Thanks to everyone for their constructive resonses and concerns in regards
to my relationship... It isn't a topic for this list, however due to the
overwhelming concern (and some rather terribly insensitive comments), I
feel I must give you some background.
My fiance is an animal fanatic, and he the first one to ever bring a
ferret into our home.... "Mister Bigglesworth" was tucked under his arm,
scratching at his cardboard box prison.... he was full of love and
electricity and grew quickly..... Sadly, we lost our first little one to
Juvi-Lymphoma, he was over the Bridge within 36 hours... I was away at
school, and it was my Husband-to-be that was valiantly trying to force
liquids and nutrients into his beloved pet's ravaged body.... It was he
that was all alone, and had to cope with the loss, blaming himself.
I found Fizz-Gig within a year after the death of Biggs.  HE was in need
of a hand-up, and I brought him home AGAINST my fiance's wishes.  Now that
I look back on it, I think he wasn't ready for another ferret that looked
so hauntingly like our first.  I think this is what caused his dislike of
Fizzy... It was too tough, and he wasn't consulted.  He also opened his
chin up really wide when they first met ;)
I've agreed to give Fizzy to a home that will love him as much, or for
that matter, MORE than I do.  It's not fair to him to keep him in this
situation, he deserves and Mom, Dad, Siblings and friends that all love
him equally, and I thank everyone for their offers to become that
family.... it sounds like he will become an American citizen soon. :)
[Posted in FML issue 3376]