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Cris Page <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 11:02:11 -0000
text/plain (45 lines)
After reading Dr Williams post yesterday, I found myself also considering
if it is worth continuing to lurk out here.  While I am glad he will
continue to answer our questions privately this IS an immense loss of
resource for MOST of the list members, caused by a few, who frankly.....
need to get a life.  I have been owned by ferrets for about 9 months now,
I have been getting FML for 11 months, at this time, I still have a LOT to
learn about the health and welfare of my 2 babies, Dr Williams, and Bob C
were two fountains of information for people like me, both have now been
driven away.
This list should be a valuable resource.  It brings humour, facts and
support into our lives, that is as it should be, sadly, more and more there
is human animosity popping up again and again, and I have to ask these
people, what is more important to you?  your ego?  or the health and
welfare of Ferrets?  I feel My kidz lost out today, I will no longer be
able to learn from Dr Wiliams posts, and of all the "experts", he is one
whose opinion and knowledge I really respect.
On the subject of anonymity for those in the FFZ, it is sad that there are
some who abuse this facility.  Its time to make a decision, is this just a
place for starting fights, rumours and law suits, or are we SERIOUS about
the welfare and health of our pets?  (and under welfare I include the
"funnies", cos if we are happy ..  the ferts seems to be too) I can see
others following Dr Williams lead, because life is complicated enough
without all this fighting b/s.
I have an Idea... if you want a place to fight, START A LIST FOR IT, and
leave FML to return to being the useful resource that it was intended to
be.  I fear for the future of this list, with law suits and stuff... how
long before someone, somewhere decides to close it down ?  IT COULD HAPPEN!
Maybe its time for all of us to consider what we consider to be acceptable,
and suitable posts, and see if there is some way to limit the list to those
Can we make this a "Ferret First Zone", and relegate the egos to some other
place where they belong ?
BTW, My recycle bin is huge... and in relation to people....... I have a
very thick skin... so dont waste your time on flames, It really wont affect
me.  Why not use the time to reflect the disservice you may be doing to
ferrets everywhere?
Cris, Bubbles 'n' Skweek
[Posted in FML issue 3332]