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Helen M Wojciechowhsi <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Jan 2001 08:50:14 EST
text/plain (31 lines)
>I also believe Sue did not let the animal out with knowledge this would
>happen or she would not let him have the animal in the first place!  So,
>lets all learn from this horrid story, let this little fert tell us we
>make mistakes most unintentionally and to help us get better at what we do
>well and that is take care of ferts.  Lets just learn from this, no finger
>pointing, no blame, just a lesson learned like a hand on a hot burner.
Dear Friends
This is a sad story but it can have a good ending.  Sometimes I think
before a pet of any kind is adopted the person or persons wanting to adopt
should have to get a letter of recommendation from there Vet.  At least
this would say they are responsible for their pets.  I realize this may
stop some adoptions but if the person who wants to adopt doesn't have a
problem with this then more than likely they are OK.  I am sure even with
this sooner or later you will find a problem.  One just cannot know what
the end result is until the pet is put into the home and is cared for.
Follow up may be a good idea too.  Not sure how you can do this but it is
a thought.  If the pet is not taken care of and there are signs they are
not then the shelter should have the right to take the ferret back.  A
paper can be signed to this affect by the adoptee.  I guess this all sounds
like to much legal stuff but if it works it would be good for all pets
every where.  I am sure legally there may be a few problems but if we all
stick together we may be able to make such an agreement stick.
People that would put a little ferret in a ball and let it live like that
should be prosecuted.
God Bless
Helen owned by 8 wonderful fur balls and 2 Poodles, 4 cats 4 Parrots.
[Posted in FML issue 3312]