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Public Relations <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 10:37:20 -0500
text/plain (38 lines)
The ferret community can be a wonderful comunity-- it can also be it's
worst enemy.  How amny times in my short 8 years withion the community have
I seen the controversies and challenges which shatter those foilks who can
be pivotal and accomplish good for the ferrets.
As an emergency shelter we have assisted both Kista with the Loving Frinds
rescue last year and FuzzTek in years past with several off-loads and most
recently the NJ Xmas rescue operation.  We were pleased that we were able
to help in such a monumental operation.
It is a positive thing to support & help when you can.  It is a very
serious thing to attack those who are doing such good work within the
ferret community.  Face it when they go-- who is able to take up the
slack.  The FML is one wonderful community where we can do good in the
fights for ferret freedom both in NYC and CA!  Where we can help spread the
knowledge to the veterinary support who may not have the research hours
etc.  Where we can help educate new owners on a myriad of points.
Please lets NOT destroy the one point that makes the ferret community an
asset in the animal world.  There has been more progress made for ferrets
in 7 years than was ever made for cats & dogs in knowledge , veterinary
procedures & communication. So far the ferret community leads the way for
sheltering this wonderful pet.
Folks it is time to end the pettyness- join together where the ferrets will
win by more education, cooperation and general understanding.  Lets work
together in harmony-- and accomplish more than we could dream.
My personal thoughts--
at Ferret Wise
shop igive where your annonymous donation will help support the shelter
work at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 3307]