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Jo Ellen Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 20:27:02 -0600
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to share this little adventure with you.  We took a week-end
trip to my Brother-in-laws this week-end.  I got all the toys, food, pottie
box etc.  along with our things & off we go (just like when our son was
little!!) It is around 150 mile trip one way.  He travels real well.  He
was looking all around, well, what he could see out his little carrier
that is.  We get there & got his first cage set up which we are using for
these little trips.  Very handy indeed.  Anyway, he settles right in no
problems......Yet!  Well, My brother-in-law has a dog, so I go into the
bedroom where Marty & us will be staying, shut the door & let him out to
play around.  He hates the hardwood floors as he can't get any traction.
Funny!!!  I was laying on the bed watching him have fun.  He went under the
bed & came back out with the biggest dust bunny stuck to the top of his
head.  It looked like he had a toupe, real nice!!  Then he was playing
under the bed some more & the next thing you know I felt something under
me.  I looked under the bed & there was no Marty to be seen.  He had gotten
inside the box spring through a small hole (which is a larger hole now) as
I got under there & had to rip it to get him out.  It was a very old box
spring also.  They don't want to come out from somewhere they have never
been to do they???  Well anyway, I decided to take him into the bathroom
with me so I checked everything out, shut the toilet lid & shower doors &
was washing my face & when I finished that he was gone again.  He had
gotten inside the linen closet through an opening at the bottom.  All I saw
was his little sneeky head going back under the bottom of the closet.  He
finally did come out but after Mommie about had a coniption fit.  Anyway,
we are all glad to be home again & the next time we go to visit we are
taking along ferret proofing.
Jo & Marty
[Posted in FML issue 3306]