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Fri, 19 Oct 2001 08:51:22 -0400
Stan Sikorski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (97 lines)
[Moderator's note: This is a difficult one.  Stan's post of two days ago
seems to have been misunderstood.  This is his response to the person who
misunderstood it.
If Stan feels this response will make things clear, well, ok... let's give
it a try, against my better judgement.  It should leave little doubt as
to Stan's political beliefs.  And as most political opinions, some of you
will agree and some will not, but please, let's not get into a foreign
policy debate on the FML.  Replies should go directly to Stan.  I don't
think the whole thing is appropriate for the FML and I'm including it only
to give Stan the benefit of the doubt and let him have his rebuttal.  I
guess I never learn.  BIG]
Nancy, lets get a few things straight:
First off, I commend Big for posting my comments in their entirety.  The
1st Amendment is still in effect as of that writing and I'm damn glad to
see so considering the current political climate.  He has shot me down a
few times for responses of political nature, but it's his board and my
comments didn't have much to do with our fuzzbutts.  He can also read.
I do not find the American Bald Eagle disgusting.  It is a most majestic,
powerful, intelligent, and beautiful bird.  It has remained a striking
symbol for the America that I believe in, but that I have watched
destroyed in the last 25 years, although the decay started way before
that.  The eagle has stood for many strong and intelligent countries
around the world...notably Germany and Poland.
What an offensive statement?  Again the 1st Amendment is working for
both of us here.  I commend your patriotism, as blind as it is.  My
great-grandparents came to America from Poland to escape the Marxist-Jew
take-over of Poland and slaughter of Polish intellectuals that were in
their way during the birth of Communism.  My grandfather worked as a
police officer for Camden, NJ when you could walk down the street at night
with your significant other and children, waving and talking to neighbors,
not fearful of being mugged or shot to death because of your color or your
"wealth or freedom".  My father served in the U.S. Airforce for 25 years,
including one tour of duty in Vietnam, where he was shelled daily and came
home a completely changed man, somewhat unable to understand why a country
and government he believed in had, on the one hand sent him and his
brothers to fight for a piddly little country that had little to do with
America and treated him and his kind like lepers when they returned.  I
myself work for one of the small engines of democracy that through
lobbying, protects the rights of 75,000 recreational fishermen and the
industries that supply them, against foreign and domestic commercial
interests that only want to take without thinking of the future.  I see
America for what it truly is lady, everyday.  The fact is that I don't
believe America is up to it's potential as the great country it could be.
There are things that have gone on that any true American should, as a
matter of duty, call to the front and rectify according to the true
meanings of our Constitution and advice of our fore-fathers.  Leave
America?  NEVER!  Voice my opinion and FIGHT for what I believe in?
Damn straight.
I feel that America has slept for too long.  As Missy Minivan and Joe
Sixpack have been beaten down and mesmerized by the assaults of
television, political correctness and multiculturalism, the enemy has
been slipping in the back door opened by some within our system whom have
alternative plans for our democracy.  Our involvement with Middle East
affairs and Israel in general have caused a world to hate us, contrary to
the spewage of the Washington talking heads on CNN and the like.  It was
our first president that made it clear upon his retirement from office
that..."America would do best not involve itself in any foreign
entanglements...".  I would assume that to include keeping our ships,
bombs, planes and attitudes out of conflicts and support for genocidal
racists within the Middle East.  Also, the constitution stated that our
military was established for the defense of our country, to direct threat.
Show me "the evidence" of who perpetrated 9/11 I will bomb them myself!
But to carry on the events of the past few weeks without CLEAR evidence
only causes me great concern about what this is really all about.  Wave
your flag, sing your patriotic country songs, and walk right into the
jaws of destruction because you are told lies to further the agenda of a
certain few that have twisted the power of our country to achieve their
goals.  They will do war by deception, by any means possible, and they
think they own us and have no problem watching our boys die and our
weapons spent to rid their enemies.
If you want to insult me for being "un-American" and "unpatriotic" then I
got 4 words for you sista - DON'T TREAD ON ME.  I'm American so much more
than the flag-waving, 'duh,lets bomb the towels back to the stone-age'
will ever be because I KNOW what is really going on and am doing my best
to change it, not choking down the propaganda that lemmings such as
yourself are swallowing like so many Monica Lewinskis and blindly allowing
our freedoms here and lives there to be destroyed by ruthless, deceptive
killers permeating our government, society and the world.
In conclusion, the eagle was beautiful, the news on the radio disgusting,
and hopefully you just read my post the wrong way, as many folks believe
you did.  In any case, you now know what I think straight up about
'America's New War' (what happened to the old one?) and if you believe
folks that think as I do are 'un-patriotic', then maybe you should READ
the Constitution.
Have a nice day,
Stan Sikorski
[Posted in FML issue 3576]