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Sat, 1 Sep 2001 04:13:01 EDT
Trudi Casler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
i just wanted to let everyone know..that Coco did not make it...
Coco would always have the rat tail thing going on...and no where else..
well im telling you dont always chaulk it up to rat tail... IT COULD BE
ADRENAL!!!  when Dr Evans opened Coco....thats what it was... i went back
to look....Coco was still alive...
the adrenal tumor had wraped itself around the vena cava and entwined
around his right kidney...i could not believe the size...
Dr Evans id our new vet...apparently Coco had this tumor for a long time...
i took him to the vet (our old one...as of now) 2 months ago and she didnt
even feel it...SHE SHOULD HAVE!!!
but Coco would ever year get the "RAT TAIL"....and then grow the hair
back...it was like clock work... well it wsnt rat tail...it was adrenal...
so what i am saying is...please dont go through what i am now.... get an
ultrasound....if this keeps going on....dont take a chance with your little
one....im not nagging anyone....im just giving everyone some HARD KEARNED
Coco will be sorley missed...he was my second ferret that i ahd gotten...he
always loved to steal socks...(and if AMy from flemming farms is reading)
Coco was worse than Molly!!!  Molly is a known sock theif...But Coco
would put her to shame..it didnt matter weather the foot came with the
sock...where ever the sock was...well it went with Coco..he even had this
dog like tug of war going....he liked to lay in your arms..and he loved
to stalk the cats...i will love Coco forever...as long as my being
exists...thankyou Coco for the 3 years that we had with you!!!
All our love and thanks,
Mom, michael, matthew, sean , slinkey, patches (your brother), chi, cloyee,
chachita, (lucky...who is with you), adara, molly, (timbers...who is also
with you dooking around), kitkat, marshmellow, and sydney!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3528]