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Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:08:15 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
 :: a splash of smoke and...::
Ha!  How's that for an entrance ferret puppets?!  My other self, "Wolfy",
has a special interest in deaf ferrets don't ya know.  My other self also
had a special interest in Fiscus's story
(KITY= .. =KAT's Fuzzy Frenzy...The Story of Fiscus Ferret...
by Jan DeJesus of G)
How are the two related?  Well, knowing everything, as a ferret oracle
does ... I know there is a lady named
::putting my hand to my head and thinking::
Phyllis, that had a very special place in her heart for Fiscus.  Being the
oracle that I am,
::brushing lint off my robe::
I also know that this gal has a ferret named Tyler in a photo contest.  I
know that Tyer will test as having some hearing impairment in the future.
::wiping sweat from my brow as this is such hard work::
Seeing this I also know that for Tyler to win this photo contest he needs
your help.  It just takes one vote.  ONE.  That is all you are allowed.
So it should take you no time at all!
::waving you on::
so go...shew... go vote now:
Even if you don't vote, puppets, all the photos on there are really cute
to look at!
::putting my hand to my head feeling another vision::
OH my word!  Bob Church shirtless at the symposium?  What could this mean?!
I'm weary and I must go make sense of this one.  Now.... how do I get out
of here.  I left my wagon and everything to poof here.  But I didnt' learn
to "poof out".  @&#@!
      ::shaking staff and twirling in circles::
        "abracadabra... no.. that didnt' work"
            ::clicking my heals togehter::
  "bibbity bobbity boop!.... noooooo... that didn't work"
 ::wandering off dissapearing in the background mumbling::
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3483]