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Mon, 18 Jun 2001 11:18:46 -0700
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Cap wrote:
>I am absolutely floored at Danielle Frye's <[log in to unmask]>,
>response to Matan on the FML.  Even on the chance that Matan is not the
>'real deal', I find it obnoxious that such a response would follow an
>article that I frankly found fascinating.  Before we allow ourselves to
>be taken in by such ill-informed innuendo lets look at the far more
>important, long ranging possibilities that this affords further education
>and understanding of our little furry guys.
Thank you for your opinion, you are certainly entitled but why just my
post?  I find it odd that you speculated on mine and not any of the others
that were major flames.  Particularly the name-calling posts.  I don't
know you and you don't know me.  It appears that from both the FML and
my private email box, there are many who feel as I do.  Not that the
"majority" rules, I have never subscribed to that.  By the way, I have
been "floored" myself, especially that anyone would post my name and
address on another forum.  I am sorry you are "floored" by my post.
Cap wrote:
>Now should Danielle take upon herself the trouble of obtaining the proper
>permissions, and having Kim's wonderful book translated into Hebrew I will
>be the first to applaud such a thoroughly wonderful endeavor.  Lets look
>to the possibilities of just such an idea, not prejudging the intent.
Thanks.  I agree entirely and that is why I offered the help.  What I asked
Matan to provide was not unreasonable.  I asked for clarification which I
would definitely require of anyone prior to collaborating with them on any
project.  You never know who you are dealing with on the Internet.  Is
that so objectionable?  I am sorry if you were offended by my post, that
certainly was not the intent.  Matan repeatedly asks the same questions as
if he is looking for help/advice but then does the complete opposite of
what more than ten or fifteen people have advised.  If he doesn't like the
advice of many ferret-knowledgeable people and will not take the advice of
a vet, then why should the FMLers be subjected to more infuriating posts by
him?  He simply does not listen, period!  All his posts have done is caused
people to worry and be extremely upset that there might be a jill out there
who is dying at the hands of a stubborn teenager.  In my opinion, this is
not any better than the woman in Spokane who injected her ferrets with
bleach.  Matan knows what is important, yet he is willing to let his jill
die because he feels she has a right to have babies and a need to?  That,
to me is obnoxious and disgusting.  We have all tried, but he wont listen
so I am not going to provide any more advice.
Sorry, you have your opinions and I have mine.  You and I have the same
goal: healthy, happy ferrets.  We just disagree on issues surrounding how
to get to that point.
Take care, Cap.
P.S.  Someone once sent me a link to some pictures of you and I must say,
you have a really nice boat!  Ours is a "hole in the water".
[Posted in FML issue 3453]