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Thu, 14 Jun 2001 13:32:31 -0500
Jason Wingard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hello All!!
I am currently having a bit of a problem with one of my ferrets.  His
name is Freddy and he is a year and a half old neutered male MF.  He is
sometimes slightly aggressive towards my other ferret (Patrick,who is a two
year old neutered male MF).  He will grab him and will not let go.  Also
sometimes when they are in their cage and laying in the same hammock, he
will lay on top of him and scratch like he is digging, except on top of
Patrick!  I thought that at first he didn't like sharing the hammock so I
went out and bought two more, but no luck.  Sometimes he will even follow
him when he moves to another hammock.  They both like to dig in the soft
fleece of the hammock but Freddy apparently also likes to dig in Patrick!
I have tried separating them, scolding Freddie and everything else that I
can think of.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Any help would be greatly
Jason Wingard
P.S Freddy also has a few small(maybe the diameter of a pencil) yellow
spots on the side of his neck, in the middle of a white patch of fur.  I
know that unaltered male ferrets have a yellow hue because of something
to do with there hormones, could he have a hormone imbalance or something?
This whole thing has me worried about him.  Any suggestions?
[Posted in FML issue 3449]