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Tue, 22 May 2001 10:26:31 -0700
paul_jamison8742 Last Name <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Today happens to be my birthday, and I was thinking of my ferret kids
at the Bridge, Al & Peggy.  My former girlfriend never told me their
birthdays; most likely she didn't know herself.  And I had an idea.
I'm sure his cagemate Peggy is at the Bridge now, and I hope she and Al
found each other.  Sandee, could you look them up and ask them a question
for me?  I want to designate today - May 22nd - as their birthdays, too,
and I want to know if they think it's okay.  That way I'll never forget
them, and they can celebrate our birthdays at the Rainbow Bridge while I'm
celebrating down here.  (It's highly unlikely that they were born on the
same day - I think Peggy is a few months younger than Al - but they can
still have the same birthday.)  Tell them that I still love them and miss
And one more thing, Sandee - thank you for all the comfort that you bring
the Mommies and Daddies here.
Paul E. Jamison
"There's more pressure on a vet to get it right. People
say 'it was god's will' when Granny dies, but they get
*angry* when they lose a cow."  - Terry Pratchett
[Posted in FML issue 3426]