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Tue, 8 May 2001 14:36:38 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
The NY Times had an article on Sunday in the Metro Section on the upcoming
city council vote on whether ferrets should be legalized in NYC.  As usual,
they ran a picture of Black Footed Ferret with it.  This photographic error
really opens the door for getting attention.  How about if folks send them
ferret photos?  You know the effective sorts: cuddly, snuggly, cute, funny,
etc.  I think they need a copy of the article on Sean and Rocky, too!  How
about it, Mary and Eric?  To be most effective each ferret photo should
come with permission for them to print it from whomever owns the photo, and
name of who took the photo.  It is said that a picture of worth a thousand
words.  They printed the picture of a wild ferret species which differs
widely from our guys.  Getting a flood of sweet photos will show more than
anything how tame the guys are.  Perhaps if they get enough and they are
cute enough and cuddly enough, and obviously tame enough the result may be
a series of ferret photos.  Think how effective THAT could be!  Sometimes
digital photos do not print well so in case of that, please, consider using
one day mail, or dropping them off if you are in the city or can get there.
(I don't know, but it MIGHT work well enough to scan regular photos and
send those as reduced jpegs; do NOT send a huge mail since that won't be
thought of kindly and could backfire; reduce it, reduce it, reduce it.)
Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036-3959
faxes:  212-556-3622
[log in to unmask]
Know anyone really likely to also have good ferret photos?  Pass this on to
them right away!  The vote is Wednesday, 5/9/2001!  (Even if you miss the
vote you can influence the assembly members later; you see it is expected
that it may pass but then will be vetoed by Guiliani (mayor) so if your
photos don't get there in time for the first vote then may get there is
time to sway some people to the ferrets' side when folks try to over-turn a
veto.  Right now the numbers are very close!  Figure that this request will
time-out even for the re-vote that attempts to get rid of the veto in about
a month or two: early June or early July, 2001.
Sweetness and light, folks -- tame, cuddly, playful and fun photos that
even non-ferret people will understand...
(Hanan, if you have the photo of Meltdown's B'Day handy enough, we extend
permission for that to be used in any publication you choose!)
[Posted in FML issue 3412]