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Sat, 5 May 2001 23:21:12 -0700
Laura Grant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
I have an almost 4yr old silver mitt (now almost white) named Arnold.  He
has had thinning hair on his tail for most of the winter, but no hair loss
anywhere else.  Then about 2 months ago, his tail fluffed out better and
fuller than it has been in ages, but we noticed a T shaped thinning area
just above the base of his tail, with again no apparent hair loss anywhere
else.  He has had no noticeable behavioral changes - he eats, drinks, and
acts normal.  He has always been a larger ferret than our other two
(2.5-3lbs), with a pudgier tummy.  I have heard that excess abdominal fat
can be a sign of adrenal disease, but how much is excessive?
We went through right adrenal surgery in January with Clint (same age
as Arnold) and he is doing beautifully.  However, he had very definite
symptoms - sexual behavior, aggressiveness, urinary problems, and definite
hair loss on the belly, sides, shoulders, toes, and behind one ear.  I know
each ferret can present in different ways, I just hate to have any
unnecessary, stressful proceedures done on my guys.
My questions are: should we just observe Arnold for a while longer to see
if any other symptoms develop or if it is just seasonal hair loss?  Would
it be best to have his hormone levels checked (and how and where is the
best way to draw blood from a ferret)?  I know ultrasound is generally not
useful, plus our vet doesn't have the capabilities for it.  Arnold and
Clint will be going in at the end of the month for their shots, so the vet
will see him then.
We are expecting a new human addition to our household in mid June, so
we will have to juggle anything Arnold has to have done with our new
responsibilities, both financial and time-wise, but we will see that
Arnold gets whatever treatment necessary.
Thanks for your time!  Please respond directly if possible - I don't have
as much time as I would like to keep up with the lists, but I will be
checking them in the next few days for responses.  Best wishes to
everyone's fuzzies!
Arnold, Clint, and Sophie, too.
[Posted in FML issue 3409]