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Wed, 2 May 2001 06:46:15 -0700
"gourmetcatering.com-sheri" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
I am relatively new to the post (so sorry if this is a redundant question)
and to being a ferret mom.  I have 2 Shepherds, 4 cats, 3 chins and 3
furkids.  I saw THREE FLEES on one of my boys!  Ugh!  I haven't had a flea
for YEARS (even with a zoo) as I always dose everyone (occasionally, not
religiously) on one of those "advantage" type products (and actually never
even paid attention to the brand cause whatever I used always seemed to
work).  I'd appreciate hearing from anyone and everyone who has experience
in this re: brand, dose (do I use a kitten one?), reactions, etc.  I'm off
to buy something for the dogs & cats and will wait to hear what I should
buy for the boys, but hurry, I don't want them to suffer or scratch for
too much longer.  Thanks in advance for any help or advise.  Also, should
I worry about the chins?  And how in the world would I be able to tell if
they have them?  They are in the plant room which is kinda segregated from
the rest of the house, but the cats sometimes perch on the top of their
[Posted in FML issue 3406]