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Mon, 30 Apr 2001 18:56:14 -0500
Amber Boyher <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Help fellow fuzzy owners out there.  I think my ferrets are bored, either
that or they don't know how to play.  I buy my ferrets all of the latest
toys, and treats and food, but they don't seem to want to play when I let
them out of their cage at night.  I even tried the rice box to no avail
(although the ants love it).  When I was living with my room mate and her 1
month old ferret I would constantly see ferrets dancing and making their
wacky sounds.  It is not as if I expect them to play or jump around all the
time, but I do worry about their happiness.  Do ferrets loose their energy
and will to play once they reach a certain age, mine are now 5 years old?
They are still very curious and are constantly checking things out, but I
haven't seen a ferret dance or heard those happy sounds in quite awhile.  I
know what everyone is thinking out there right now, add another ferret.
But my 16 year old cat tolerates the two that I have, another one would
surely put me on my kittys bad side, and also seeing that they had ECE over
a year ago, I am afraid they might still be carriers.  Does anyone have any
solutions or ideas?
My heart goes out to you David.  I can only imagine how you must have felt.
Although I am sure that the lady didn't realize what she might be doing.
Neighbors should always be alerted to what pets other neighbors have so
that they can be cautious against such things.  Which brings me to another
question.  I live in a three story, one bedroom apartment and after David's
post I'm wondering what the effects of insect spraying in the surrounding
apartments might have on my two.  I would never have them spray in my
apartment for fear of harming the "kids", but could the vapors seep in from
the spray also??  Does anybody know of any safeguarding methods to protect
against this?
One last bit of information, which I'm sure might be useful to other people
out there.  I contacted a manufacture of Pest Free, which manufactures the
electronic pest repeller and inquired upon what effects ferrets may have
from such things.  " .  I am not certain to be honest with you if the units
will bother ferrets or not.  If their hearing is close to a cat or rabbits
then the units will not bother him or her.  The frequency level starts at
30,000kHz up to around 65,000kHz and cat can hear up to around 15,000kHz.
The units have been reliable with a less than 2% return ration based on
6000 units sold.  I have a lifetime money back guarantee extended to all my
customers and with a guarantee like that; it backs up the reliability
claim.  " So does anyone know what ferrets hearing range is?
Thanks everyone for the help and advice, the FML is a class of people I
rarely see anymore, caring.
Amber (Mr. Fuzz, Pandora and Alf)
[Posted in FML issue 3404]